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Physical Education

Click here to access Mrs. Horstman's PE website.


Our physical education program consists of four different units during the school year:


1. Fundamental movement where we learn about space and body awareness, locomotor and non-locomotor movements, simple games and simple dances.


2. Manipulative skills where we learn basic sports skills in which we control an object.  Examples of manipulative skills include throwing, catching, dribbling, kicking, shooting, passing, volleying, striking and hitting.  Throughout their career in elementary school, students should be exposed to most of these so that they have a firm foundation to play whole sports later on.


3. Fitness unit where students will learn about the benefits of being physically active.  We also talk about the components of fitness which are flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance and body composition.  


4. Lifetime sports where we start to put together all of the skills that we have learned during the school year into sport situations.  


During different times of the year we also incorporate dance from different cultures, rhythm activities, sportsmanship, and health topics like nutrition and safety.  

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